Families Helped By Your Donations

"Thank you so much for your generosity and for approving our grant application! I’m incredibly grateful for your support!" - Soraya
"Thank you we got the wagon - first thing we did with it was went evening ice fishing and she was so happy in her new wagon. Then we took it to a few appointments. We are so grateful to have been gifted this." -Taryn

"Thank you so so very much! Now she will be able to look around and see everything and see a whole new world! Thank you so much!"- Therese
"We have been able to link one switch per photo to his AAC and since he’s nonverbal, this helps him make choices when those actual objects are not around him. He can tell us if he’s thirsty, hungry, wants to read, wants a certain toy—it’s AMAZING. The switches light up so that he can find them, and his hands aren’t very strong but the Cosmo switches respond to even the lightest touch. "